The office
85 years: we have been improving our innovative spirit and renewing the principles that guide us.
Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa is established in São Paulo, Santa Catarina, and has national and international experience. Our experienced team and our partners offer a complete assistance. We are small by choice, but large in the ambition to offer a close, agile, qualified and successful legal service.
Our differential
We work with companies and families, using business, corporate, civil, international law to promote their interests and protect their rights. This is our way: a personalized, agile, qualified and client-side law firm with eyes on the world and aware of the local issues.
Personalized Service
International Practice
Effective Solutions
- Ricardo Portugal Gouvêa
- Nathalia Moreira de França
- Andréia Pereira da Silva
- André Peruzzolo
- Ana Varela Regges
- Jorgiane Padilha
- Daniel Silva Napoleão
- Amanda Baseggio
- Leonardo de Rossi
- Joao Paulo Gonçalves
Ricardo Portugal Gouvêa
OAB/SP 16.235 and OAB/SC 15.562-A
Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), class of 1962. Graduated in Business Administration from Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV) and in Business Law from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 1965. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Law (IBDS). Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Areas of practice: Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities Market, Structured Transactions, Succession Planning and Family Office, Civil, Business Agreements, Civil Litigation, Corporate Litigation.
Nathalia Moreira de França
OAB/SP 316.888
Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), class of 2011. Graduated in Contract Law from Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 2012. Fluent in Portuguese. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa Firm since 2021. Areas of practice: Civil Litigation.
Andréia Pereira da Silva
OAB/SP 388,613
Graduated in Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, class 2015. Graduated in Civil Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo (OAB/SP) since 2016. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of expertise: Civil Litigation.
André Peruzzolo
OAB/SP 143.657-B and OAB/SC 15.707-A
Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR), class of 1995. Graduated in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and in Corporate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 1996; and Santa Catarina Chapter since 2001. Member of the São Paulo Lawyers Association (AASP), since 1996. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Law (IBDS). Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 1996. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities Market, Structured Transactions, Succession Planning and Family Office, Civil, Business Agreements, Civil Litigation, Corporate Litigation.
Ana Varela Regges
OAB/SC 47.359
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul), class of 2002. With a certificate from Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado de Santa Catarina (Esmesc). Graduated in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law from Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina (Faculdade Cesusc). Post-Graduated in Family and Succession Law from Faculdade Damásio. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2016. She acted as a legal assistant and legal secretary to the Justice Court of the State of Santa Catarina, 2003 to 2016. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa Firm since 2016. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Corporate, Family Law, Administrative Law, Consumer, Civil Litigation and Contract Law.
Jorgiane Padilha
OAB/SC 38.238
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Contestado – UNC, Campos de Caçador/SC, class of 2007. Graduated in Civil Procedure Law from Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe – UNIARP, Extension Course in Labor Procedure and Labor Law from Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2014. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2013. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Labor and Civil Litigation
Daniel Silva Napoleão
OAB/SC 17.890
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul), class of 2002. Specialization in labor law and labor procedure. Attending the Accounting Sciences Program from Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Attending Graduation Course in Labor Law from Universidade do Contestado (UNC). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2003. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2006. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Labor.
Amanda Baseggio
OAB/SC 63,159
Graduated in Law from The Alto Vale University of Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2/2020. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2022. Postgraduate in Contractual Law and Business Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC Minas. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2019. Fluent in Portuguese and intermediate English. Area of expertise: Contracts and Civil Litigation.
Leonardo de Rossi
OAB/SC 42,537
Graduated in Law from Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2014/2. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2015. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law by Verbo Jurídico, Porto Alegre/RS. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Intermediate English. Area of expertise: Labor.
Joao Paulo Gonçalves
OAB/SC 49,515
Graduated in Law from Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2/2016. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2017. Postgraduate in Business and Business Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí/SC. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Area of expertise: Corporate, Contracts and Civil Litigation.
Rodrigo Lichs Coelho de Souza
OAB/SC 17.750
Graduated in law from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), class of 2002. Specialist in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at UNOESC - University of the West of Santa Catarina Campus de Videira/SC (2020). Improvement courses for the labor market in Environmental Law at UFPR (2017), Tax Law at UNOESC (2007) and Corporate Law at UNICURITIBA (2005). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC) since 2003. Member of The Law Firm Portugal Gouvêa since 2007.
Isabelle Perin
OAB/SC 46.457
Consultora da Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa em direito imobiliário, notarial e registral. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Pós-graduada em Direito Civil e Processo Civil com Ênfase no Novo CPC pela Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Pós-graduada em Direito e Negócios Imobiliários pela Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo/Instituto Damásio de Direito. Atuou como Escrevente Notarial no 2º Tabelionato de Notas de Caçador/SC. Membro da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Santa Catarina. Presidente da Comissão de Assuntos do Judiciário, Notariais e Registros Públicos da 12ª Subseção da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Seccional de Santa Catarina.
Márcio Orlandi
He is adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in financial structuring. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas de São Paulo. He acted in the audit firm Arthur Andersen since 1964, and became partner director in 1979 providing service to Brazilian and foreign investors and companies until 1992. At Arthur Andersen, he was also responsible for the local unit’s relationship with its international structure, specifically regarding issues of capital flow, investment opportunities and operation of common markets, such as the European, MERCOSUL, North American and Asian. He acts as CEO of Fundamental Research S/C Ltda., an audit firm providing administrative and operational reorganization services, advisory services to boards of directors, feasibility studies of private banks, among others.
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa
Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), class of 2001. Masters and PhD from the University of Harvard. PhD Professor of Business Law from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 2002, and of the New York State Bar. He acted as a permanent lawyer at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, in New York. Adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in the business advisory area, focused on mergers & acquisitions, corporate law and foreign investment. Fluent in Portuguese and English.
Maurício G. P. Zockun
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in tax and administrative law. Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), class of 1997. Masters and PhD in tax law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Adviser of Portugal Gouvêa Law Firm in the area of tax law.
Felipe Fleury
Professor of tax and administrative law at FADISP and Seminarian Professor in the Course of specialization in tax law of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Master's degree in administrative law from PUC/SP. Specialist in tax law by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Bachelor of Law from PUC/SP
Augusto de Arruda Botelho
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in criminal law. Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Paulista (Unip). Graduated in economic criminal law from Universidade de Coimbra. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter. Member of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD). Adviser of Portugal Gouvêa Law Firm in the area of criminal law.
Ruy Pedro Schneider
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in civil liability. Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito de Santo Angelo, RS, class of 1975. Masters in Law from UFSC. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter and Distrito Federal Chapter. Member of the Santa Catarina Judges Association and Brazilian Judges Association. He was Full Professor of the Law Program of Univille in the subject of Civil Liability and Program Coordinator.
Ricardo Portugal Gouvêa
Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), class of 1962. Graduated in Business Administration from Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV) and in Business Law from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 1965. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Law (IBDS). Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Areas of practice: Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities Market, Structured Transactions, Succession Planning and Family Office, Civil, Business Agreements, Civil Litigation, Corporate Litigation.
Nathalia Moreira de França
Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), class of 2011. Graduated in Contract Law from Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 2012. Fluent in Portuguese. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa Firm since 2021. Areas of practice: Civil Litigation.
Andréia Pereira da Silva
Graduated in Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, class 2015. Graduated in Civil Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo (OAB/SP) since 2016. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of expertise: Civil Litigation.
André Peruzzolo
Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC-PR), class of 1995. Graduated in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and in Corporate Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 1996; and Santa Catarina Chapter since 2001. Member of the São Paulo Lawyers Association (AASP), since 1996. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Law (IBDS). Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 1996. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions, Securities Market, Structured Transactions, Succession Planning and Family Office, Civil, Business Agreements, Civil Litigation, Corporate Litigation.
Ana Varela Regges
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul), class of 2002. With a certificate from Escola Superior da Magistratura do Estado de Santa Catarina (Esmesc). Graduated in Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law from Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina (Faculdade Cesusc). Post-Graduated in Family and Succession Law from Faculdade Damásio. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2016. She acted as a legal assistant and legal secretary to the Justice Court of the State of Santa Catarina, 2003 to 2016. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa Firm since 2016. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Corporate, Family Law, Administrative Law, Consumer, Civil Litigation and Contract Law.
Jorgiane Padilha
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Contestado – UNC, Campos de Caçador/SC, class of 2007. Graduated in Civil Procedure Law from Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe – UNIARP, Extension Course in Labor Procedure and Labor Law from Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina – UNOESC. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2014. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2013. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Labor and Civil Litigation
Daniel Silva Napoleão
Bachelor of Laws from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (Unisul), class of 2002. Specialization in labor law and labor procedure. Attending the Accounting Sciences Program from Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Attending Graduation Course in Labor Law from Universidade do Contestado (UNC). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter (OAB/SC) since 2003. Member of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2006. Fluent in Portuguese. Areas of practice: Labor.
Amanda Baseggio
Graduated in Law from The Alto Vale University of Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2/2020. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2022. Postgraduate in Contractual Law and Business Management from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC Minas. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2019. Fluent in Portuguese and intermediate English. Area of expertise: Contracts and Civil Litigation.
Leonardo de Rossi
Graduated in Law from Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2014/2. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2015. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Labor Procedural Law by Verbo Jurídico, Porto Alegre/RS. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Intermediate English. Area of expertise: Labor.
Joao Paulo Gonçalves
Graduated in Law from Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe - UNIARP, class 2/2016. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Caçador, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC), since 2017. Postgraduate in Business and Business Law from the University of Vale do Itajaí/SC. Member of The Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa since 2022. Fluent in Portuguese. Area of expertise: Corporate, Contracts and Civil Litigation.
Rodrigo Lichs Coelho de Souza
Graduated in law from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), class of 2002. Specialist in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at UNOESC - University of the West of Santa Catarina Campus de Videira/SC (2020). Improvement courses for the labor market in Environmental Law at UFPR (2017), Tax Law at UNOESC (2007) and Corporate Law at UNICURITIBA (2005). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina (OAB/SC) since 2003. Member of The Law Firm Portugal Gouvêa since 2007.
Isabelle Perin
Consultora da Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa em direito imobiliário, notarial e registral. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Pós-graduada em Direito Civil e Processo Civil com Ênfase no Novo CPC pela Universidade do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe (UNIARP). Pós-graduada em Direito e Negócios Imobiliários pela Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo/Instituto Damásio de Direito. Atuou como Escrevente Notarial no 2º Tabelionato de Notas de Caçador/SC. Membro da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Santa Catarina. Presidente da Comissão de Assuntos do Judiciário, Notariais e Registros Públicos da 12ª Subseção da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Seccional de Santa Catarina.
Márcio Orlandi
He is adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in financial structuring. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas de São Paulo. He acted in the audit firm Arthur Andersen since 1964, and became partner director in 1979 providing service to Brazilian and foreign investors and companies until 1992. At Arthur Andersen, he was also responsible for the local unit’s relationship with its international structure, specifically regarding issues of capital flow, investment opportunities and operation of common markets, such as the European, MERCOSUL, North American and Asian. He acts as CEO of Fundamental Research S/C Ltda., an audit firm providing administrative and operational reorganization services, advisory services to boards of directors, feasibility studies of private banks, among others.
Carlos Portugal Gouvêa
Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), class of 2001. Masters and PhD from the University of Harvard. PhD Professor of Business Law from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter (OAB/SP) since 2002, and of the New York State Bar. He acted as a permanent lawyer at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, in New York. Adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in the business advisory area, focused on mergers & acquisitions, corporate law and foreign investment. Fluent in Portuguese and English.
Maurício G. P. Zockun
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in tax and administrative law. Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP), class of 1997. Masters and PhD in tax law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter. Member of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Adviser of Portugal Gouvêa Law Firm in the area of tax law.
Felipe Fleury
Professor of tax and administrative law at FADISP and Seminarian Professor in the Course of specialization in tax law of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Master's degree in administrative law from PUC/SP. Specialist in tax law by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET). Bachelor of Law from PUC/SP
Augusto de Arruda Botelho
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in criminal law. Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Paulista (Unip). Graduated in economic criminal law from Universidade de Coimbra. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter. Member of the Institute for Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD). Adviser of Portugal Gouvêa Law Firm in the area of criminal law.
Ruy Pedro Schneider
He is an adviser of Advocacia Portugal Gouvêa in civil liability. Bachelor of Laws from Faculdade de Direito de Santo Angelo, RS, class of 1975. Masters in Law from UFSC. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Santa Catarina Chapter and Distrito Federal Chapter. Member of the Santa Catarina Judges Association and Brazilian Judges Association. He was Full Professor of the Law Program of Univille in the subject of Civil Liability and Program Coordinator.